White Paper

Reimagining Advertising with Augmented Reality - an Introductory Guide

Augmented reality is on the rise and you want to stay ahead of the game? In this white paper, you will find out all you need to know to start your own AR-powered campaign.

Explore the key benefits of augmented reality advertising, including enhanced customer engagement, increased brand recall, and the ability to track and analyze consumer behavior. Download our white paper to learn how businesses can harness the power of Web AR to take their marketing strategy to the next level.

advertising augmented reality

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Dive deeper into AR Advertising


The Power of WebAR

High Accessibility

Being fully browser-based, SQUARS eliminates the need to use dedicated apps, making AR experiences accessible to an unlimited audience.

Easy Scalability

With its customizable package of AR Views, SQUARS enables businesses and organizations to adjust their ad campaigns as needed. This allows them to flexibly scale their campaigns up or down, depending on their purpose.

Low Cost & Maintenance

SQUARS allows you to update your visualizations anytime and anywhere with minimal effort, giving you complete flexibility for, and during, your campaigns.